Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So as nostalgia sets in, flows and overflows and nauseates my tribe (read fifth years) …and I boohoo my way through the Vitamin C “Graduation Song”…or PROBABLY because of the precedent set by seniors …the fifth year syndrome of “LACK”….. "absolute lack"… I join in…into the eccentric and not so eccentric lot of bloggers For the record, this is the fourth time I am starting a blog, two of the three previous attempts being abandoned for the sole reason that I asked each time, first to myself and then in the blog… “why blog?”… “I mean …what am I doing???” This time around, therefore, let me put real (read random/arbitrary) reasons behind…and put it this way…people decided to swim, strum, salsa...so I decided to blog… The selfish reasons would include finding more takers for my jibber jabber.
I watched Sarkar Raj. Good movie. The sepia tone has been put to excellent use.
OK Human Rights. That’s the one which has managed to create some flutter over the past few days (for whatever reasons).
Actually I was discussing this with a friend. From the look of things they are more keen on ‘teaching’ human rights than making us learn (in triter words “imbibe”) human rights (although I have no clue as to why we would need to learn, either). Look at it this way. Say most of us become corporate lawyers (which we will). We would be anyways working for someone who is rich, powerful or as is in most cases, both. These are the last of the lot who may have human rights issues. These are almost never the people who are at the receiving end.
Then why not make use of the time at law school. Send us to work under a human rights lawyer, create legal awareness etc as a part of the curriculum (and please lets not even start to talk about first year NGO internships!). Instead of the three classes a week, set aside a day to be dedicated to some human rights project, where we actually go out and help people. Do you really think we or anybody for that matter in this country needs to know the difference between human right laws and humanitarian law? Do we really need to know the entire discourse on rights, what rights may be in the abstract? Rights are a reality. Period.
If an area does not have a hospital or drinking water, the only way to dealing with it is give them a hospital! Give them water!!. …what on earth would this ‘discourse’ help them in???????
One has to be in the middle of things. Learning the academics’ way can create only academics (the armchair sort as they say). and even though it has been clarified in class i refused to agree, because the results of these academic efforts have to be visible, tangible...with the academic obsession with abstraction lets not lose reality to the abstract.
Future discussions won’t be this random, its just that all of it is such a sham. Damn!!


  1. Aahaaa!! I decoded you girl!!! Good Job with the blog! hope you keep it up....No word starting from 's' for TT huh? so my choice of activity this sem has been ignored i see.... but i totally agree with your choice!

    and btw.. tho i can't totally disagree with you.. setting aside an entire day as you suggest would have had us cribbing all the more...it seems that's all we can do now-a-days! :-)

  2. theenk yu
    erm..that was fast!!..i mean real fast...
    i dont know , i think if we really want to change things, we should be ready for a lil drastic meaures..neways we all have collectively agreed to be dispassionate about these things...so i guess at a certain level no point complaining..

  3. P.S.: yu bet the s bit wll come up!!


and they say..