with blogging self obssesseion has a new address, a web address, ...(thought cloud)..there must be something wonderful about what I think, otherwise I should have stopped at talking to myself(big dark italicized thought cloud)
an ego trip being essential..I would go on to talk some more...about self obssession..
Have you ever wondered whether you remain interested in people as long as they are interested in you...
self obssession is the progenitor and propagator, as is already known its also the destroyer...I shall not go into the horror of a Dorian Gray..
We fall in love with someone who loves us for what we are, so in a way affirms that we are so good that we are not wrong in being slef obssessed.
the only thing that does not fit in is why are women where they are, they should have had a superior place, not a so called special place, somehow the historical defeat of the female sex doesnt fit in, it doesnt fit anywhere in the equation of how civilizations have almost uniformly worked out, in that equation where if you remember civilizations almost unmistakeably grew along rivers, went through their stone ages, copper ages ,..,
This self obssession was why tribes increased, they wanted more of themselves, more warriors, more kings, more slaves, this is the reason why tribes can't co-exist, because that would be giving space and acknoweldeging someone who is not like them, that is the reason men fought wars - self obssession.
Narcissus was stranded at the waters, you and I needed the mirror at times, what happened to women, the only mean for man to express his self obssession, to propagate and to look at his reflection........what was so exceptional about property (which is what mostly the historical defeat of the female sex is attributed to)...what was so exceptional about greed, why did it manifest..more than our inherent desire to see more of ourselves..
Have you ever wondered whether you remain interested in people as long as they are interested in you...
self obssession is the progenitor and propagator, as is already known its also the destroyer...I shall not go into the horror of a Dorian Gray..
We fall in love with someone who loves us for what we are, so in a way affirms that we are so good that we are not wrong in being slef obssessed.
the only thing that does not fit in is why are women where they are, they should have had a superior place, not a so called special place, somehow the historical defeat of the female sex doesnt fit in, it doesnt fit anywhere in the equation of how civilizations have almost uniformly worked out, in that equation where if you remember civilizations almost unmistakeably grew along rivers, went through their stone ages, copper ages ,..,
This self obssession was why tribes increased, they wanted more of themselves, more warriors, more kings, more slaves, this is the reason why tribes can't co-exist, because that would be giving space and acknoweldeging someone who is not like them, that is the reason men fought wars - self obssession.
Narcissus was stranded at the waters, you and I needed the mirror at times, what happened to women, the only mean for man to express his self obssession, to propagate and to look at his reflection........what was so exceptional about property (which is what mostly the historical defeat of the female sex is attributed to)...what was so exceptional about greed, why did it manifest..more than our inherent desire to see more of ourselves..
P.S.: self obssession is the glow on my face when I remeber correctly that triskaidekaphobia has something to do with the fear of the number 13 and that I came accross it in an episode of FRIENDS, when my otherwise bad memory clicked :)